Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A thought about Buzz Thomas

I was inspired today by a friend to read up on Buzz Thomas, a Baptist preacher. I searched the Internet and was soon disappointed to find out that Buzz Thomas is just another post-modernist preacher who has little regard for the truth of the Bible. Whoa, now. I must be careful, because I don't condemn him. I simply disagree with his views about how to interpret the Bible.

Buzz Thomas, unfortunately, extracts a few versus from the book of Leviticus to try to make believers of biblical truth look silly. This is really disappointing. I believe that we all should study the entire Bible and consider its overall meaning to determine correct doctrine for ourselves and for our churches.

For example, if all that was said in the Bible about homosexuality were the few versus cited by Thomas in Leviticus, it would be one matter. But when you consider the consistent theme of scripture that tells us about the true status of homosexuality, then we must come to the conclusion that the modern initiative to gain church acceptance of homosexuality is misguided.

Please understand that I do not condemn homosexuals. As a matter of fact, I have no problem being a friend, a work colleague or pal. The rub comes when the gay movement wants me to endorse their lifestyle as natural and OK, as suggested by Thomas.

I must respond to this as Jesus responded to the adulteress who was to be stoned. I must say that I do not condemn, but please go and discontinue your behavior.

You see, the basic challenge for each of us is to give up our claim to ourselves. It is not about my sexuality -- my gender -- or yours. It is about giving up my rights for obedience to the Savior. That is a simple truth, but very difficult to grasp.

Consider for example, the Bible's teaching about male and female, slave or free. In the Kingdom of God there is no difference. But in the secular world there is a difference. So behave as if you were in the Kingdom of God, because at least some of you are. If you are a slave, give obedience to your master. If you are a master, give kindness to your slave. If you are a woman, yield to the circumstances. If you are a man, give deference to a woman. If you are straight, treat gays as no different than yourself -- not to condone their lifestyle but to acknowledge that you are yielded to Christ -- you do not condemn. If you are gay, do not demand rights. Yield to the teaching that is before you in the Bible. If you are convinced that others are wrong, yield your opinion. That is what the Bible taught when it teaches that women should not speak in churches. While that teaching is absurd in today's churches, it was the correct response in those times. That does not mean that as a straight person you must vote for gay marriage. It does mean that as a gay person you must consider the teachings of the Bible and must not condemn those with whom you disagree.

In essence, it simply means that we all yield our rights for the good of all.

There is, for example, no more selfish movement than that of the women's liberation as practiced by the National Organization for Women. The movement is totally self-centered and focused on subjecting other opinions to their own. This goes so far as to minimize the value of the traditional family and to suggest that it is quite alright to kill unborn children for the convenience of their mothers.

I cannot think of anything more selfish.

Greetings and best wishes to all.

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